Gratis Bücher Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann

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Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann

Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann

Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann

Gratis Bücher Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann

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Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann


"Wilhelm Brasse tat das, was ein Fotograf mit Seele tun musste, er zeigte das, was in Auschwitz geschah." ("Er [Reiner Engelmann] schreibt über diesen Augenzeugen, der uns zu Augenzeugen macht, ohne jeden Pathos und in klaren Sätzen" (RBB Stilbruch)"Engelmann erzählt so deutlich wie nötig und so zurückhaltend wie möglich." (FAZ)"Eine wichtige Dokumentation mit Auftrag. Nie wieder." (NZZ am Sonntag, Christine Knödler)»Eindrücklicher als jedes Geschichtsbuch!« (Rotenburg-Bebraer Allgemeine)"Eine große Autorenleistung, die einen Menschen in den Vordergrund stellt, der sich dort nie gesehen hat." (Astrolibrium)

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Reiner Engelmann wurde 1952 in Völkenroth geboren. Nach dem Studium der Sozialpädagogik war er im Schuldienst tätig, wo er sich besonders in den Bereichen der Leseförderung, der Gewaltprävention und der Kinder- und Menschenrechtsbildung starkmachte. Für Schulklassen und Erwachsene organisiert Reiner Engelmann regelmäßig Studienfahrten nach Auschwitz. Er ist Autor und Herausgeber zahlreicher Anthologien und Bücher zu gesellschaftlichen Brennpunktthemen.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 192 Seiten

Verlag: cbj; Auflage: Originalausgabe (12. Januar 2015)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 3570159191

ISBN-13: 978-3570159194

Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 13 Jahren

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,9 x 2,2 x 23,4 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.5 von 5 Sternen

38 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 100.181 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

Ein sehr ergreifendes und wie alles aus dieser Zeit erschreckendes Buch. Es hilft dabei, mal wieder auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückzukommen, wenn man ein bisschen zu sehr in seinem privilegierten Leben "gefangen" ist.

Ein sehr interessantes Buch über Ausschwitz und grausemame, Gänsehaut Geschichten von einem Mann der dort Fotos gemacht hat.Jeder der sich für das Thema WW2 interessiert bzw. Das Lager Ausschwitz ein gutes Buch.

Dieses Buch gehört zu den Zeitzeugnissen des Holocaust, den manals Mensch nur schwer ertragen kann. Und doch sprechen die Bilderin diesem Buch ihre eigene Sprache.

Sehr einfach zu lesen. Kurze Kapitel, kurzes Buch. Ich habe mir von dem Buch mehr erhofft.

Interesante geschichte und sehr schön geschrieben


Sehr interessantes und gutes Buch.

Für dieses Buch eine Rezension mit den richtigen Worten zu finden ist gar nicht so einfach, zu tief gehen die emotionalen Eindrücke. Reichen einige wenige Sätze, um dem Inhalt gerecht zu werden?Wahrscheinlich nicht, doch ich werde es versuchen. Jedoch bleibt vorab schon zu sagen, jeder sollte dieses Buch selbst lesen und die hervorgerufenen Bilder auf sich wirken lassen.Reiner Engelmann versteht es, Wilhelm Brasse und all die Menschen, denen er in diesen harten Jahren begegnet ist, noch einmal zum Leben zu erwecken. Mit schlichten Worten, ohne direkte Verdammnis einzelner Personen gelingt ihm, ein authentisches Bild im Kopf der Leser entstehen zu lassen.Es grenzt fast an ein Wunder, dass Wilhelm Brasse so viele Jahre in Auschwitz überlebte. Wenn man bedenkt, wie viele glückliche Fügungen notwendig waren, um sein Überleben möglich zu machen. Dabei zeigte er einen starken Willen, stand zu seiner Überzeugung und beschritt den einmal gewählten Weg mit einer ungeheuer großen Portion Mut. Es gab mehrere Situationen, in denen er dem Konzentrationslager hätte entrinnen können, doch wählte er nicht den einfachen Weg. Trotz aller Entbehrungen und Greul, die Wilhelm Brasse erleben und beobachten musste, behielt seine Menschlichkeit. Im Rahmen der gegebenen Möglichkeiten tat er sein Bestes, um anderen zu helfen oder ihnen wenigstens einige wenige Erleichterungen zu verschaffen.Beherzt rettet er kurz vor der Auflösung des Lagers entgegen aller Befehle einen Großteil des gesammelten Bildmaterials.Seine erhalten gebliebenen Fotos und Erinnerungen, legen Zeugnis davon ab, was hinter dem Stacheldrahtzaun wirklich geschah. Fotos, wie das von Czeslawa Kwoka, sind vielleicht das letzte und einzige Foto von Menschen, deren Leben nur wenige Stunden oder Tage später mitleidlos ausgelöscht wurde. Doch seine Bilder sind auch ein Gedenken und stehen für all diejenigen gesichtslosen Menschen, die dem Naziregime zum Opfer fielen.Wilhelm Brasse hat die vielen Jahre seiner Gefangenschaft nur mit einer großen Portion Glück überlebt und doch sprach er lange Zeit mit keinem Menschen über diese Zeit. Nicht, dass er es nicht konnte, nein, er nahm Rücksicht auf die Gefühle der anderen und wollte ihnen die Last des Wissens nicht aufbürden.Erst seinem Sohn gegenüber öffnete er sich und später auch der breiten Öffentlichkeit. Doch er stellte dabei nicht sich selbst in den Vordergrund, sondern machte es sich zur Aufgabe, für alle anderen zu sprechen. Die Geschichten derer zu erzählen, deren Gesichter er auf so intensive Weise auf seinen Fotos verewigt hat. Wilhelm Brasse war für mich ein beeindruckender Mensch, der trotz widriger Umstände und Mittel Fotos mit einer emotionalen Tiefe geschaffen hat, die den Betrachter einfach berühren müssen. Er bewies Mut und blieb sich selbst treu - trotz aller drohender Gefahren. Er bewahrte sich seine Menschlichkeit in einer extremen Ausnahmesituation, deren Verlauf und Dauer er selbst nicht bestimmen konnte.Die Jahre in Auschwitz hinterließen in ihm vor allem tiefe seelische Wunden. So konnte er nach Kriegsende seiner Begabung nicht mehr folgen und musste die Fotografie aufgeben. Zu stark waren die Erinnerungen, die ihn verfolgten.Dennoch vergrub er sich nicht in Verbitterung und brachte es sogar fertig, Vergebung zu üben.Dies zeigt seine Zeugenaussage für die Verteidigung im Prozess gegen Bernhard Walter.Seine Fotos aus Auschwitz verbleiben als ein wichtiges Vermächtnis. Sie sind vielleicht der letzte Lebensbeweis, dass diese Männer, Frauen und Kinder wirklich existierten. Ohne ihn blieben viele Opfer gesichtslose Namen auf einem Stück Papier.Reiner Engelmann hat nach einer fundierten Recherchearbeit das Leben von Wilhelm Brasse und dessen Persönlichkeit in klaren, sensibel gewählten Worten beschrieben. Dabei verliert er sich nicht in ausschweifenden Beschreibungen, sondern hält sich eher zurück. Eben diese Art, sich dem Thema anzunehmen bewirkt einen Tiefgang und eine Nachhaltigkeit, die noch lange nach dem Lesen der letzten Worte anhält. Die so hervorgerufenen Emotionen hallen innerlich noch sehr lange nach.

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Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann PDF

Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann PDF
Der Fotograf von Auschwitz: Das Leben des Wilhelm Brasse, by Reiner Engelmann PDF

Bücher Herunterladen The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury

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The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury

The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury

The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury

Bücher Herunterladen The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury

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The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury


"Khoury engages his own oeuvre in playful metafictional ways, along with real and invented scholarly texts, and larger Palestinian and Israeli literary histories to which this book is a timely and essential contribution. He rejects didacticism -- "My story isn't an attempt to prove something" -- pirouetting between saying and unsaying, creating a mass of competing meanings from which Adam's tormented psychology emerges. If Khoury makes any argument, however, it is that the expression of an "unadorned truth" is impossible, since all language is symbolic and metaphoric; words are weighed down by their histories... Khoury gives us a vivid glimpse of the unspeakable." -- New York Times Book Review Praise for Elias Khoury: "There has been powerful fiction about Palestinians and by Palestinians, but few have held to the light the myths, tales and rumors of both Israel and the Arabs with such discerning compassion. In Humphrey Davies' sparely poetic translation, Gate of the Sun is an imposingly rich and realistic novel, a genuine masterwork." -- New York Times Book Review "Khoury is one of the most innovative novelists in the Arab world." -- Washington Post Book World "Elias Khoury is an artist giving voice to rooted exiles and trapped refugees, to dissolving boundaries and changing identities, to radical demands and new languages." -- Edward W. Said "We need the voice of Elias Khoury--detailed, exquisite, humane--more than ever. Read him." -- Naomi Shihab Nye "A writer of panoramic scope and ambition." -- Azadeh Moaveni, Financial Times

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Elias Khoury is the author of 13 novels, 4 volumes of literary criticism, and 3 plays. For 12 years he was a Prof. of Middle Eastern and Arabic Studies at New York University and has also taught at Columbia University. He won the Palestine Prize for Gate of the Sun, also named a Best Book of the Year by Le Monde Diplomatique, The Christian Science Monitor, and The San Francisco Chronicle, and a Notable Book by The New York Times. As Though She Were Sleeping won France's inaugural Arabic Novel Prize. In 2016, he was awarded the Mahmoud Darwish Award for Creativity. About the translator: Humphrey Davies is a translator of Arabic fiction, historical, and classical texts. His translations include Elias Khoury's Yalo, Naguid Mahfouz's Thebes at War and Midaqq Alley, Alla Al-Aswany's The Yacoubian Building and Friendly Fire, Hamdy el-Gazzar's Black Magic, Mohamed Mustagab's Tales of Dayrut, and the four-volume 19th century Arabic experimental novel, Leg over Leg, by Faris Al-Shidyaq. A two-time winner of the Banipal Prize, he is also the recipient of the English PEN Writers In Translation Award. Davies lives in Cairo.


Taschenbuch: 400 Seiten

Verlag: ARCHIPELAGO BOOKS (10. Juni 2019)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1939810132

ISBN-13: 978-1939810137

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 3,1 x 19 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 451.479 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

This is a maudlin, melancholy novel about an expatriate Israeli Arab poet. In his unlabeled preface, of July 12, 2015, the author says they'd once met.Since Khoury is a novelist, one presumes that protagonist Adam Dannoun is fictional, although one could easily conclude the reverse, that his character is real, or at least based on a real person. The preface portrays Adam Dannoun as such. Khoury writes, a young Asian student gave him Dannoun's notebooks (comprising the novel's body), which miraculously survived an apartment fire that killed him.Khoury dedicates the book to the 75-year-old Lebanese architect Jad Tabet and the 59-year-old writer, poet and translator Anton Shammas, born south of Israel's Lebanon border in 1960. Maybe Khoury wove some of their family myths into this book.In any case, reading it is a slog. The first few chapters deal heavily with love and loss, largely as portrayed by two early Arabic poets.Adam Dannoun's will discusses 6th century poet Imru al-Qays, his own lost love and lost lust for life and his meetings with a bald fictional Israeli film director and the novel's author, whom the protagonist describes as a liar. Dannoun knows he has unpoetically reproduced lines of al-Qays, but cares not, since he asks the notebooks' finder to burn them along with his body. Sounds like suicide.Then Dannoun quotes King Solomon, “a king and a poet, the lover who loved all women....,” citing Solomon's Song of Songs; he echoes Ecclesiastes, one of the last books in the Jewish Holy Scriptures (known in Hebrew as Tenach, an acronym for the words Torah, Neviim and Kethuvim, or Five Books of Moses, Prophets and Writings). “All is vanity,” writes Dannoun.Next Dannoun recounts bits on the love, poetry, strange beauty and madness of the 7th and 8th century Yemeni poet,Waddah al-Yaman (i.e. of Yemen). Then, more of the same, twined with Dannoun's own feelings.He also tells of Umm al-Banin bint Abd al-Aziz ibn Marwan (one of many wives of Ummayid caliph al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan) and her love for poet Kuthtayyir-Azza, another late 7th and early 8th century poet. Also, her travels to Mecca, where Umm al-Banin reputedly fell in love with the above-noted poet Waddah al-Yaman.You get the idea. Students of Arab history, legend and poetry might appreciate this, others not so much.Only after nearly 100 pages of such ruminations on Arab chroniclers and poets, do readers reach part two, entitled Adam Dannoun.He opens with recitations from the Quran (strangely, in reverse order), sura 114 (an-Nas), verse 3 and sura 113 (al-Faraq) in its entirety (all five verses).While apparently Muslim, Dannoun drinks wine and vodka and has no use for marriage, having had at least two affairs and evidently contemplated a third.In chronological order, as written, suras 113 and 114 mention taking refuge in the Lord, but focus on “the evil of darkness..., the evil of the women who blow on knots..., [and] the evil of an envier” as well as “the slinking whisperers....” (By contrast, equivalent verses in Psalms 113 and 114 are diametrically opposite, full of love and optimism.)Dannoun is not likable (or sympathetic), either. He morosely focuses entirely on the past, harbors enormous rage and seemingly lives inside ephemeral dreams. He blames Israel for his losses. (While even Khoury may not realize it, Dannoun suffers from a primal wound, having lost his birth parents. Blind Mamoun found him in the arms of a dead woman, placed him with parents, abandoned him and did not tell Dannoun the story until decades later in New York.)From here, Dannoun details his conflict with above-noted fictional Israeli director and his (likewise, presumably fictional) confrontation with Elias Khoury over a film purported to show a slice of Palestinian history, “the beginnings of the second intifada.” He rages that the author and filmmaker have misrepresented people that he knew, whom he takes to be the film's primary characters.He attributes his endless rage to the fact that his mother was from Eilaboun, and claims she and her family were driven out. He feels what he feels.Actually, however, the village five or ten miles northwest of Tiberius, is anchored in the ancient Hebrew Chronicles as the home of one clan of Jewish high priests. In 1945 maybe 530 Christians and 20 Muslims lived there. And the October 1948 Eilaboun “massacre” of which Khoury's Dannoun writes was an execution of about 13 Muslim men by Jewish troops who'd discovered there, the decapitated bodies of two of their kidnapped Jewish compatriots.“War is hell,” said Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman, probably among many others. And who started the 1948 war of which Dannoun writes? Arab leaders refused to accept the land's longstanding Jewish history, from biblical times onward, much less a new Jewish state. So they attacked and the Jews defended themselves.Dannoun similarly represents Lydda as an Arab village that Israelis ethnically cleansed in 1948. Actually, it was the other way around. In the 19th century, the village had a Jewish community (by 1900 there were still only a few hundred families). But in 1921, Arab riots ethnically cleansed all Lydda's Jews; continued Arab violence thwarted every Jewish effort to return to their homes.When Israeli forces occupied Lydda on July 10, 1948, most of its Arab inhabitants left. By December 1948, over 1,050 Arabs remained in Lydda with roughly 150 Jews.Khoury and his Dannoun character want us to believe those few Jews committed grotesque evil (as hinted in the Quranic verses with which he begins).But even Dannoun knows he is lying. “Memory is what we feel we're remembering,” he writes. When he tells people he's from the Lydda “ghetto,” which he's not, “I was giving them the truth's first cousin, which is always truer than the truth.” (p. 183) Well, no, it isn't.Well, the book is fiction, of course. But it also promotes the fiction that the Jewish people somehow corrupted the land of Israel. As Jonathan Swift wrote, “Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it.”Unfortunately, this book is a slog, from start to finish.

During the aftermath of the 1948 Arab-Israel War, the residents of the city of Lydda (now Lod) were forced to leave their homes. Later, those homes would house Jewish refugees, themselves displaced from their homes in Bulgaria. But a few Arabs, Muslim and Christian, stayed behind in Lydda and were gathered together into what the soldiers guarding them called a ghetto. Children of the Ghetto: My Name is Adam by Lebanese author Elias Khoury and translated by Humphrey Davies, tells the story of one boy, the first child born into this new version of Lydda.The novel begins with a long introduction from a university professor in New York named Elias Khoury, who met Adam briefly and disliked him intensely, mostly because they shared a romantic interest in the same woman but also out of consternation. Adam Dannoun is the cook in a falafel restaurant, well-educated and well-spoken, but he speaks both Arabic and Hebrew like a native. When Adam dies, the woman brings a stack of notebooks to Elias. She had been instructed by Adam's will to destroy them, but finds herself unable to do so. Elias, upon reading the notebooks, initially wants to write a novel based on the contents, but decides instead to submit them as they are for publication.What follows begins as what one might find in the private notebooks of a scholar, a series of abortive attempts at writing the story of a Yemeni poet during the time of the Caliphates, followed by a rambling entry about his life in general, but all of this is necessary to the meat of the novel, Khoury taking his time to set up ideas and the life of this first witness before leading into what life was like for the people who stayed behind in Lydda, after most of the people had fled.This was a powerful and understated novel about a part of the world whose history I know too little about. Khoury's slow and meandering style was wonderful and I'll be reading more by this author.

This book, from the promotional blurb, was a memoir, from the Palestinian point of view, of the events of 1948.The fictionalized journal, which the author claims to have found after the death of the memoirist, was hard for me to follow--as far as I got--and reminded me of how I learned in college that memory≠history.I regret that I didn't get far enough to provide a helpful review.

Archipelago books has been my favorite source for works in translation, but although the material was involving, I found this translation to be weighty and cumbersome. It would have been helpful if I'd had a better grasp of the history of this time and place, in which case I would have been able to better convey my thoughts, but I found I had to put the book down and maybe try again sometime later.

The Children of the Ghetto: My Name is Ada is beautifully written. I didn't read the entire story because I wasn't pulled into the story. I tried. I guess it's just not my cuppa.

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The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury PDF
The Children of the Ghetto: My Name Is Adam, by Elias Khoury PDF

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Taschenbuch: 120 Seiten

Verlag: Independently published (10. Juli 2019)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 1079767908

ISBN-13: 978-1079767902

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 0,7 x 22,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 285.356 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

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Ebook Herunterladen Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen, by Thorsten Uhle

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Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen, by Thorsten Uhle

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen, by Thorsten Uhle

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen, by Thorsten Uhle

Ebook Herunterladen Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen, by Thorsten Uhle

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Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt - Mitarbeiter einbinden, Prozesse gestalten, Erfolge messen, by Thorsten Uhle


Den arbeitenden Menschen gesund und arbeitsfähig erhalten!In diesem Fachbuch zum betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement werden von Herangehensweisen über Instrumente bis zum Controlling die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder der gesunden Arbeitswelt vorgestellt: Wo anfangen? Welche Bereiche abdecken? Wen einbeziehen? Wie Erfolge messen? Wie am Ball bleiben? Damit Sie als Personal- und Gesundheitsverantwortliche den Ãœberblick in einem herausfordernden Aufgabenfeld behalten und Ihre Mitarbeiter gesund und arbeitsfähig erhalten. Die 4. Auflage berücksichtigt inhaltliche Erweiterungen u. a. zu gesundheitspsychologischen Modellen, zur Konsolidierung und zu Erfolgsfaktoren eines effektiven Gesundheitsmanagements. Ein Update zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und zur empirischen Ausgangslage vervollständigt die überarbeitete Auflage, die ihre Inhalte neu strukturiert dem Leser zur Verfügung stellt. Der Inhalt â€¢ Handlungsorientiert: Mensch – Technik/Aufgabe – Organisation, ein praktisches Gesamtkonzept für das Gesundheitsmanagement• Nah an den Herausforderungen: u. a. Demografie-, Präventions- und Stressmanagement• Erfolgs- und qualitätsorientiert: Instrumente, mit denen Problemlagen identifiziert und Erfolge gemessen werden können• Praxisnah: Tipps, Fallbeispiele, Experteninterviews, Werkzeuge, Weblinks, Glossar und weitere Materialien unter• Neu: Präventionsmanagement, gesundheitspsychologische Modelle, Legitimations- und Erfolgsfaktoren eines modernen Gesundheitsmanagements; erweitert: Gliederungskonzept, Studien, rechtliche Aspekte, QuellenDie Zielgruppen• Führungskräfte, Personalverantwortliche und Gesundheitsbeauftragte sowie Beratende im Bereich der gesunden Arbeitswelt• Studierende und Dozierende der BWL, Psychologie, Arbeitsmedizin und SozialwissenschaftenDie AutorenProf. Dr. Michael Treier lehrt Psychologie, Personal und Organisation an der Fachhochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung in Duisburg. Darüber hinaus ist er als Autor, Referent und Unternehmensberater im Bereich Gesundheitsmanagement tätig.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Dipl.-Psych. Thorsten Uhle verantwortet in einem Konzern der Chemischen und Pharmazeutischen Industrie global alle Themen rund um „Health Promotion“ und „Well-Being“ und entwickelt und begleitet den Rollout neuer internationaler Regularien sowie die Implementierung von Gesundheitsprogrammen im Konzern.Prof. Dr. Michael Treier lehrt Psychologie, Personal und Organisation an der Fachhochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung in Duisburg. Darüber hinaus ist er als Autor, Referent und Unternehmensberater im Bereich Gesundheitsmanagement tätig.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 635 Seiten

Verlag: Springer; Auflage: 4., vollst. ak. u. erw. Aufl. 2019 (28. August 2019)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 3658254092

ISBN-13: 978-3658254094

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

16,8 x 24 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 1.090.550 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

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Imi Knoebel: Reims


Gebundene Ausgabe: 272 Seiten

Verlag: Hatje Cantz Verlag; Auflage: 01 (22. Dezember 2017)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 3775742840

ISBN-13: 978-3775742849

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

24,6 x 2,5 x 31,5 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 1.494.091 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

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Ebook Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana

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Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana

Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana

Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana

Ebook Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana

Bolivar: American Liberator, By Marie Arana . Es ist der Moment , als auch zu steigern , wie auffrischen Ihre Fähigkeit, Wissen sowie Begegnung etwas Spaß für Sie nach der langen Zeit mit monotonen Dinge enthalten. Arbeiten im Büro, gehen der Forschung, von der Prüfung zu gewinnen und auch noch mehr Aufgaben können auch abgeschlossen werden , wie Sie neue Punkte beginnen sollten. Wenn Sie wirklich so erschöpft fühlen, warum Sie nicht brandneuen Punkt versuchen? Ein wirklich einfacher Punkt? Überprüfung der Bolivar: American Liberator, By Marie Arana ist genau das, was wir anbieten, werden Sie verstehen. Neben dem Buch mit dem Titel Bolivar: American Liberator, By Marie Arana ist jetzt die Empfehlung.

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Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana


“Finally, Bolivar gets the sweeping biography he deserves. He was the greatest leader in Latin American history, and his tale is filled with lessons about leadership and passion. This book reads like a wonderful novel but is researched like a masterwork of history.” (Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs)“This is a magnificent story. Deeply researched and written with clarity, honesty, and verve, Marie Arana’s book tells the life of one of the greatest heroes and founders in world history.’” (Gordon S. Wood, author of Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789–1815, Alva O. Way University Professor and Professor of History Emeritus at Brown University)“With the eye and ear of a novelist, Marie Arana chants the epic of Bolivar with love, zest, and compelling authority.” (Walter A. McDougall, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and Alloy-Ansin Professor of International Relations, University of Pennsylvania)“Simon Bolivar has found the perfect biographer in Marie Arana, a literary journalist, brilliant novelist of South America, and wise historian as well. Her portrait of Bolivar is human and moving; she has written a powerful and epic life and times." (Evan Thomas, author of Ike's Bluff: President Eisenhower's Secret Struggle to Save the World)“Most North American historians have mentioned [Bolivar] only in passing, usually making 'the George Washington of Latin America' reference. . . . That conception obviously needed correction in the form of a comprehensive biography that makes Bolivar’s life accessible to a large readership in the United States. Bolivar is unquestionably that book. . . . Bolivar is magisterial in scope, written with flair and an almost cinematic sense of history happening. . . . A monumental achievement destined to win some major literary prizes.” (Joseph J. Ellis Washington Post Book World)"Wonderful. . . . In Arana's energetic and highly readable telling, Bolívar comes alive as having willed himself an epic life. . . . She brings great verve and literary flair to her biography of Bolívar." (Hector Tobar The Los Angeles Times)"Arana offers a clear-eyed assessment of the ideals, alliances, and human frailties that drove Bolívar’s choices and shaped the Americas." (The New Yorker)“Inspired. . . . Arana ably captures the brash brilliance of this revered and vilified leader.” (Kirkus Reviews)“Arana is an indefatigable researcher, a perceptive historian, and a luminous writer, as shown in her defining, exhilarating biography of the great South American liberator Simón Bolívar.” (Booklist (starred review, Top 10 Biographies of the Year))“This well-rounded work reveals not just an accomplished military tactician but also an able statesman. . . . An important contribution to Bolivarian studies.” (Library Journal (starred review))

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Marie Arana was born in Lima, Peru. She is the author of the memoir American Chica, a finalist for the National Book Award; two novels, Cellophane and Lima Nights; and The Writing Life, a collection from her well-known column for The Washington Post. She lives in Washington, DC, and Lima, Peru.


Taschenbuch: 624 Seiten

Verlag: Simon & Schuster (8. April 2014)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1439110204

ISBN-13: 978-1439110201

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,6 x 3,8 x 23,5 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 148.606 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

If you like Biographies of great leaders you must read this spectacular book. Thank you Marie Arana for this monster of a book.

This is one of the best biographies that I've read in my life, if not the very best. I am an admitted South America fanatic, but my knowledge about its history was limited to study of the Inca and Brazil before reading this book. Marie Arana (no tilde on the n?) is an amazingly articulate writer in English, although I'm not sure that English is even her first language! I was gripped by her account of Bolivar's early years and development into a revered hero; his determination to liberate the Andean Region from Spain; his success in building and mobilizing troops back and forth across the Andes and perilous regions in between; his personal picadillo's; Bolivar's post-liberation failures to identify effective leaders and governmental structures that could unify populations; and finally, Bolivar's death in isolation. I also enjoyed the Epilogue that explained how society's perception of Bolivar evolved, and how Hugo Chavez made a travesty of Bolivar in Venezuela. Finally, I even enjoyed Arana's fascinating Acknowledgment. I learned so much and would love to read more from this gifted author! Maybe a book about Ernesto "Che" Guevarra?

As a trained historian, I found this book to be informative, well written, engaging and easily digestible.For anyone looking to understand a lot of South American history and some of the underlying factors that continue to shape the region today, this is a good place to start. Having traveled South America extensively and studied some of the more contemporary history, I would say this significantly added to my knowledge and understanding of Latin America.I took one star off because the book was biased towards Bolivar pretty strongly, and the citation of sources was cumbersome and less than you would expect for a good biography. There are no footnotes, only endnotes which are not linked to individual passages in the text but instead to chapters. I have never seen it done like that and it irked me.Still I would recommend the book. It will shed light on so many things.

This was a fantastic read and in depth view of Simon Bolívar's life and challenges he faced! I've been to Central and South America and wish I would've found this book 5 years ago. Marie has a great style of writing and keeps you engaged from the first chapter. There were no glossing over facts in this book and I appreciate that to the fullest. Due to the fact of so much detail in this book there were many times that I had to read 1 chapter and take a break and come back to the book at other times. The English audience would do well to read this as Marie does a great job in tying in differences between US issues and American (Bolivar's America that is) issues and how dissimilar they really were. A great find and will be recommending this to family and friends.

+For anyone interested in the great Age of Enlightment that was the end of the 18th century--a time that rocked and changed nations across the Americas as they separated from their Mother Countries and the monumental quake that shook the monarchies of Europe, should be fascinated by this eye-opening book. Most people in the north of the Americas were too busy getting their fledgling countries going to notice much what was going on to the south. However, John Quincy Adams and James Monroe here in the U.S. were aware that what was happening in Venezuela and the northern countries of South America was an almost exact parallel to what was going on here in the new United States. From that point on, the paths diverged dramatically. But in the end, the new North American government, busy with its own dealings with Spain, paid no more than superficial attention to the bloody struggles of its southern neighbors.Marie Arana has done a masterful job of bringing to life the leader of that revolution to the south, a man characterized as 'bigger than life' and by Jose Marti, one noted Hispanic writer in the typical flowery rhetoric of the times as, "...of Bolivar you can only speak from mountaintops,or amid thunder and lightning, or with a fistful of freedom in one hand and the corpse of tyranny at your feet." Ms. Arana brings Simon Bolivar down to earth in a highly readable, impressively researched manner. In the process she throws important light on the sometimes puzzling and little understood attitudes and realities of race and social class that still plague the southern continent.For anyone who wishes to understand "Latinos" or "Hispanics" better (reference the growing importance they have right here in the USA), this really is must reading.And, incidentally, the kindle version of this book reads beautifully.

Marie Arana's Bolivar was captivating from beginning to end. As a Mexican-American educator, it was an eye-opening experience for me to read about a man who accomplished so much in his short life. A case has been made for Latinx in the U.S. and their lack of heroes. Here is one we can look to for inspiration!Like all heroes, he comes with many major flaws but we cannot deny his grit, determination, and unyielding will to cast out the Spanish throne from Latin America and create a unified country that would rival any super power at the time. His story also foreshadows the Latin America we know today. You will not be disappointed with Bolivar: American Liberator!

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Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana PDF

Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana PDF

Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana PDF
Bolivar: American Liberator, by Marie Arana PDF

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Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners

Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners

Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners

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Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners


Combining the benefits of passive investing with the advantages of active investing strategies, equity smart beta and factor investing is an increasingly discussed and debated topic within the investments industry. When properly implemented, smart beta reduces risk or increases diversification at a cost lower than traditional active management and marginally higher than straight index investing, resulting in an optimally diversified portfolio. A recent survey of asset owners, representing over $3.5 trillion in assets worldwide, found that 77% of respondents have already evaluated or implemented smart beta strategies, or are planning to do so. Accordingly, smart beta adoption rates increased from 26% in 2015 to 48% in 2018. The wide range and growing variety of smart beta products available in the marketplace can prove to be overwhelming for investors often struggling with how to analyze and select such products. Factor specifications, weighting schemes, and methodologies used to control turnover, diversification, or capacity are just some of the factors that influence variances in smart beta offerings. Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners satisfies the need for straightforward, accurate investor education on this important innovation in the field of investments. Written from the practitioner's perspective, this book helps readers understand the theoretical underpinnings of smart beta investing, analyze and select smart beta strategies, structure more efficient portfolios, and gain insights from other practitioners who have successfully implemented smart beta investing in their portfolios. This comprehensive book on smart beta investing:* Reviews the evolution, definition, and composition of the equity smart beta space and identifies desirable characteristics of smart beta offerings* Discusses the origins and theory of factor investing and risk-based, behavioral, and structural explanations of why factor premia exist* Offers a framework for understanding and analyzing various weighting schemes used to capture smart beta factor returns* Explains performance characteristics of smart beta factor strategies* Provides examples of factor investing beyond equities, smart beta implementation, portfolio structuring, and multistrategy, multimanager portfolios Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners will prove to be a valuable, hands-on manual for both investors and managers seeking to set appropriate expectations and maintain discipline during difficult times, improve the ability to achieve long-term objectives, structure more efficient overall equity portfolios, and achieve better investment outcomes.


The comprehensive guide to the rapidly growing investment opportunities of smart beta investing Smart beta investing is the fastest growing area within the equity asset class. Changing the way investors structure their overall equity portfolios, smart beta strategies emphasize the use of alternative weighting schemes to traditional market capitalization-based indexes. This important innovation is highly popular within the investments industry and has prompted the launch of numerous smart beta products. Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners is the first full-length book focused on this exciting array of offerings. This practical, hands-on guide shares the practitioner's perspective on smart beta investing, combining straightforward readability with in-depth content and cutting-edge ideas. Drawing from their experiences leading the Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta team, the authors share real-life case studies, explain factor investing, define and detail the history of smart beta, and examine smart beta characteristics, strategies, and implementation methods. Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners also features contributions from leading industry experts, including a variety of asset owners, asset managers, and consultants. Covering everything from explaining return premia to structuring better equity portfolios, this book will prove to be a valuable resource for anyone engaged in smart beta and factor investing.

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Gebundene Ausgabe: 496 Seiten

Verlag: Wiley; Auflage: 1. (12. Juli 2019)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1119583225

ISBN-13: 978-1119583226

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,7 x 2,5 x 22,6 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 183.313 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

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Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners PDF
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